Start a Hoplr neighbourhood and bring your neighbours together

  • Get started with creating your own online neighbourhood
  • You can count on our free support for the entire rollout
Fill in the request form

What does Hoplr do?

  • We draw the borders of the neighbourhood
  • We send you, if possible, a free package with letters to invite your neighbours
  • You'll receive support and tips from the Hoplr-team

What do we expect from you?

  • You wish to be socially engaged in your neighbourhood
  • You are willing to help your neighbours with questions regarding Hoplr
  • Distribute the provided invitation letters

Start your neighbourhood in 6 steps

Get in touch

Once you've submitted the request form, it's time for us to get to work! So read the info on this page carefully and fill out the request form at the bottom.

The blueprint of your neighbourhoood

We aim to define a neighbourhood that works for you and your neighbours. So in this step, let us know: what do you want the name of the neighbourhood to be, how big is the neighbourhood, where do you think the borders should be,...

Example: Brugse poort – Rooigem 6750 households
How big is a neighbourhood One neighbourhood comprises 1000 to 3000 households.

Neighbourhoods are often villages, townships or city neighbourhoods. Don't make your neighbourhood too small!

What’s our vision of a neighbourhood?

A neighbourhood is a hub with local meeting points, such as a central square or park. Usually there's at least one bakery, butchers shop, café,...

Can you alter the borders later on?

We look into the neighbourhoods together. During this second step, the borders can still be altered.

Hopr draws up the neighbourhood

Once the borders are determined, we start digitalising the neighbourhood so your neighbours will automatically end up in the right Hoplr neighbourhood

We print the invitation letters and get them to you if possible

The required number of invitations is printed and packaged. We send the letters to you personally.

Distribute the letters

The time has come to start distributing the letters to your neighbours! You could use a hand for this part. Keep the following estimations in mind:

  • Rural area +/- 100 letters / hour / person
  • City: +/- 300 letters / hour / person
Start using Hoplr

The first few neighbours are coming in! Lead the way:

  • Help neighbours with questions about how Hoplr works
  • Be socially active in the neighbourhood
  • Receive support and tips of the Hoplr team

Are you on board? Fill in the form and we’ll help you get started.

What is the name of your neighbourhood?

One neighbourhood comprises 1000 to 3000 households. We think of a neighbourhood as a hub with local meeting points, such as a central square or park. Usually there's at least one bakery, butchers shop, café,... It's often a village, township or city neighbourhood. Don't make your neighbourhood too small!

Which address do you want the invitation letters to be sent to?

Once we've received your request form, we'll get in touch with you through email. We won't be sending the package beforehand. Your data is safe and secure.

Your data

We’ll be in touch through email. We will not share your email address with any other party.

Your motivation

Hoplr'ın verilerinizi nasıl işlediği hakkında daha fazla bilgi için gizlilik ve çerez bildirimimizi okuyun.

What is Hoplr?

An online network for you and your neighbours

Neighbours get to know each other, they can share stuff, create messages about safety and security, or start initiatives. See more at

On Facebook you talk to your friends, on Instagram you post pictures. On Hoplr, you get to know your neighbours.
Bu harika web sitesi için teşekkürler. Bir gönüllü olarak bu site benim için çok faydalı. Komşularımı tanımanın ve yardım teklif etmenin iyi bir yolu Corrie
Bence bu güzel bir girişim. Pek çok insan yalnızdır ve bu onlar için büyük bir değer sunar. Thomas
Bu, mahallemize güzel bir ektir. Zaten çok fazla aktivite oldu ve başka türlü ulaşamayacağım insanlarla iletişim kurdum. Anita
Bir kas hastalığım var ve zaman zaman bana yardım etmesi için iyi bir komşu kullanabilirim. Ve şimdi, belki ben de topluluğa bir şeyler verebilirim. Gert

Frequently Asked Questions

Who’s behind Hoplr?

Hoplr was founded in 2014 by Jennick Scheerlinck and Jonas Heirwegh. It’s an initiative rooted in a common vision and belief. As a reaction to globalisation, it creates a digital but local story by connecting people with their direct environment. See our entire team

Do I have to print the invitations myself?

We take care of all printing and packaging. All that's left is for you to get the letters to your neighbours!

What’s the best way to go about distributing the letters

Distributing the invitations is not a job that should be underestimated. Firstly, make sure you can count on the help of a family member or neighbour. Doing the job in pairs will not only halve the workload, it keeps you from having to walk up and down the street. The package comes with a map. Use it to determine your route and to check off the streets as you're going. Take a backpack or bike to carry the letters.

Am I committing to anything?

We print and send the letters for you. Naturally, some costs are involved. That's why we expect the letters to actually be distributed. So give this some serious thought before you decide to submit your request.