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The social network for Kerkhoven

The social network for your neighbourhood.
Used by more than 1.000.000 households.

Kaart van Lommel

Interactions in Lommel

people 1729 Households within reach
comment 1960 messages posted
forum 8682 reactions of citizens

Why register on Hoplr?

Positivity is central
Hoplr is not Facebook. Problems may be discussed but keep it friendly, civilized and positive
Keep in touch with your neighbours
The corona virus and the corona measures are causing less social contact and more home isolation. Take care of your neighbourhood.

+250 cities and towns use Hoplr

Check out the possibilities for governments at

Why was Hoplr founded?

Hoplr - pronounce «hopler» - is a Belgian initiative that was started from a social vision and conviction. Read more

Hoplr shifts the focus from the individual to the local community. Via Hoplr you get easy access to the social capital in your neighbourhood such as material, knowledge, time, volunteers and infrastructure. We want to use the power of the collective to anticipate the societal challenges of tomorrow such as aging, neighbourhood care, inclusion and citizen participation. Only in this way can we evolve towards more caring and sustainable society.

No advertising, how?

Hoplr cooperates with local authorities and utility companies in the context of neighbourhood-oriented communication and participation. Read more

Hoplr provides licenses to parties active in the public sector. These organizations can use a paying service dashboard to facilitate social work, neighborhood-oriented communication and citizen participation. In this way citizens are informed of relevant events, services or projects. External parties do not have access to neighbourhood messages between citizens. In addition, Hoplr only allows external parties that bring non-commercial value to citizens.


European Commission
Seal of Excellence from the European Commission for innovation, implementation and impact
World Summit Awards
WINNER of the World Summit Awards 2020 in the Government & Citizen Engagement category
European Commission
WINNER European Social Services Award 2020 for best 'Social Technology Tool'

How does it work?

Every neighbourhood is closed Hoplr neighbourhoods are geographically demarcated. Your profile is only visible to members of your neighborhood network. All data is secured and protected in line with European privacy legislation.
Talk to your neighbours Use Hoplr to stay in touch with your neighbours. Share and borrow items. Ask for help, stay up to date with neighbourhood alerts and activities.
Positive and constructive Utilizing the power of the collective to anticipate the societal challenges of tomorrow such as aging, neighbourhood care, inclusion and citizen participation


We have tried to bring the neighbourhood together for years using flyers, posters, events,... with little to no results. The fact that we succeeded through Hoplr proves that this neighbourhood network has a bright future in store. Erik, moderator Heiende (Lokeren)
Our neighbourhood grew quickly. What surprised me the most was the sense of solidarity among the neighbours. Hoplr really does bring people together! Kin Chi Chow, founder Heihoek (Mechelen)
I’m a fan, because this communication tool has a wide perspective and brings better social cohesion. Marc, moderator Boechout Wijken (Boechout)
I want everyone to know that registration is easy and non-committal. Hoplr is a safe, private an ad-free environment. It's really nothing but beneficial for your neighbourhood. Ben, founder Oosterveld (Antwerp)
Hoplr is a bridge between neighbours. It brings people together. A lot of people need that little push to get toghether Lieve, moderator Oud-Centrum (Ostend)

What can you do with Hoplr?


Get to know new neighbours

A neighbourhood where people know each other is a better neighbourhood! Start a group chat to gather people from your building, to go for a run, or to plan a block party.

  • Introduce yourself to your neighbours
  • Complete your profile with your hobbies, pets, profession and interests
  • Consult the list of your neighbours

Find help for your chores

Looking for a plumber or reliable aid? Your neighbours will be happy to help you with their recommendations.

  • Post a question in your neighbourhood
  • Help an elderly neighbour by posting requests for them
  • Ask your neighbours to lend you a hand

Borrow items from your neighbours

You're a do-it-yourselfer, but you're missing the material you need? Maybe one of your neighbours can help.

  • Give away items you no longer need
  • Borrow items from someone nearby
  • Make group purchases

Organise a neighbourhood activity

Choose an activity to bring your neighbours together. Consult your neighbours and pick a date that works for everyone.

  • Organise a cleanup, game night, walk, yard sale,...
  • Leave the date open, see who's interested and pick a date together
  • Consult the neighbourhood calendar

Ask for help and neighbourhood care

Connect people in need of support with volunteers or neighbours.

  • Help neighbours via private conversations or simply start a chat group for informal care.
  • Organize activities easily, involve local residents and stimulate social cohesion.
  • Accessible everywhere via the mobile iOS or Android app

Receive useful alerts from your city or municipality

Local authorities cannot view conversations going on in the neighbourhood, but they can post messages concerning it (e.g. roadworks, nuisance, security,...).

  • Share ideas or endorse your neighbours' suggestions
  • Closely follow participation projects
  • Cocreate with your neighbours and government

* Local authorities are unable to view your neighbourhood's content


Find a babysitter

  • Quickly reach your neighbours with a message on Hoplr
  • Let your neighbours know that your son or daughter can babysit
  • Make further arrangements in private chat

We are committed to the digital security of Hoplr

All data is secured and protected in line with European privacy legislation. Also see our Responsible Disclosure.
In collaboration with ICTRecht.

Hoplr is active in Belgium and the Netherlands

800,000 households
2,500 active neighbourhoods
78% is active weekly
100,000 messages & responses / month
On Facebook you talk to friends, you view photos on Instagram, you reach your neighbours on Hoplr.
One way some city councils close the gap between them and the citizen is through Hoplr, a social networking site for neighbourhoods.

What does Hoplr stand for?

1. Community first

Our communities play an essential role and that will never change. That is why, in every decision, every change and every opportunity, the added value for the neighbourhood and its residents is the first thing we consider.

2. Advertising free

We aspire to keep Hoplr free of advertising. Our business model is based on valuable partnerships with local authorities, utility companies and civil society. This way all messages in your neighbourhood remain relevant, interesting and above all free of advertising!

3. Privacy by design

Protecting personal data is our biggest responsibility. Hoplr is therefore fully compliant with the European GDPR privacy legislation. We will never sell personal data.

4. Independent

Hoplr is not associated with any political or other interested party and does not have to account to any external party. We respect each person's opinion and will not express our own; neither explicitly nor implicitly.

5. Social impact

Our dream is that all Hoplr neighbours meet, help and get to know each other in real life. We believe in the power of the collective. That is why we will always organise activities and continue to give tips on social contact outside the platform.

Get to know your neighbourhood with the Hoplr app!

Download for Android and iPhone